Jeannie Probst Hogan

Profile Updated: January 24, 2025
Class Year: 1973
Spouse/Partner: Patrick Hogan - '72 (See Yearbook)
Homepage: View Website
Occupation: TBD I have a good 40 years yet!
Children: Two daughters, 4 grandchildren and THREE great grandson!
Military Service: USAF SPOUSE IN GERMANY  
Grade School:

Sunset (Utah) / Washington (Hanley Hills)


Getting Bored...Have Real Estate Broker's Licence can sell!


LUCKY ME...1 grandson Nicholas MOVED BACK HOME THEN GOT HIS X-WIFE PREGNANT! That's 3 great grandchildren now! 3 of grandchildren live with us right now. Zoey and Zane are happy to be back in Junior High School after Covid! Jessica, the oldest, Graduated her masters and earns $90,000 a year! (1 down and 3 to go!). Nicholas is now teaching other new Long Distance semi-truck driver. He just got promoted.


Built a company from scratch, with my Patrick and a few partners, in the Silicon Valley during the "bubble" - called Netfish Technologies and sold it for $311 million stock for publicly traded stock. I was the catylist by taking my California Broker Real Estate training and my Oracle Applications training...and farmed the Silicon Valley for contract leads for Patrick etc. Placed him at Cisco Systems on a direct contract, bypassing the onsite manager, and that eventually became our beta site. Here I will say - nobody said I couldn't do it and Patrick taught me the "jesuit principle" real well.

I can actually say, for a period of time, Pat and I were "multi-millionaires". Our founding shares were worth in excess of eight million dollars until 9/11 hit. It's aftershocks and "margin call" was the result and I ended up paying a little over $161,000 to the U.S. Treasury as a result of the impact of 9/11 on the stock market (are we saying ouch yet?) I still believe that our "economic downturn" was a bunch of after shocks tied to that tragic event.

So - hi's back to work we go for now! We're "too young and spry" to retire at 65! Future dreams - build up the current house, sell it and move to the Seattle area...(Scratch that - they need to clean up their act!) Build a smaller, something new - like a Tree House - and watch the boats go by!

Patrick is working as a consultant, subcontracting for Berkshire Hathaway. He handles Oracle Cloud. I'm in the process of getting my Real Estate continuing Ed out of the way. At least Patrick and I busted butt - we earn $4,000 a month social security.

Right now poor Southern California is having awful fires. We'll see what this does for the value of our home. I'm sad for all of my neighbors impacted by the fires! Pray for all impacted!

School Story:

High School wasn't a lot of "fun". Looking back, most of my close friends were in the top 10 %. Found my IQ scores in my high school transcripts... Really had enough talent to do just about anything...really would have loved to join Orchasis!

Being buried in the middle of 8 children motivated me to get a job the day I turned 16 and I've been working ever since! The summer between my Junior and Senior years I ended up being the only paycheck to feed my brothers and sisters for about a month as my father ended up in the hospital. Surprise - you never knew it...I never complained!

I would have loved to have join a club or two or do dance, but it wasn't in the cards. I was and still am a naturally gifted dancer. Finding my husband, Patrick Hogan, and holding hands at the football games, I guess my favorite. Love at first sight! We just both agreed to marry each other - no proposals here. Loving him yet not knowing I was hooking up with a genius - I guess. Even yesterday he told me I was "stuck with him". We celebrated 46 years this year and it will be 50 at our next formal class reunion.

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Jan 24, 2025 at 12:32 AM
Jeannie Probst Hogan added a comment on her Profile.
Dec 20, 2024 at 9:29 PM
Jeannie Probst Hogan posted a message. New comment added.
Nov 30, 2024 at 6:42 AM

Posted on: Nov 29, 2024 at 11:09 AM

Happy Birthday!

Jeannie Probst Hogan added a comment on her Profile.
Nov 23, 2024 at 11:59 PM
Nov 17, 2024 at 5:13 PM


Nov 09, 2024 at 2:27 PM

Debbie! 626 278-3855 or

Nov 07, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Hi Colleen! You n Debbie..same birthday!

Hope you had a super day!!

Jeannie Probst Hogan

Nov 07, 2024 at 6:58 PM

Hi Debbie! Trick or treat late...No...Happy Birthday!


Aug 03, 2024 at 1:19 PM

Hope you had a GREAT BIRTHDAY!

Jul 21, 2024 at 2:17 PM

Happy birthday follow up! I hope Mary passed on my wishes...fellowCancer!

Jeannie Probst Hogan added a comment on her Profile.
Jul 18, 2024 at 4:52 PM
Jul 18, 2024 at 3:42 PM

Happy Day of Birth..God's Child & Sister!

Jul 17, 2024 at 6:35 PM

Happy early Cancer Birthday wishes! Always..Jeannie Probst Hogan - MONROVIA CA!

Jul 15, 2024 at 4:33 AM
Jeannie Probst Hogan posted a message. New comment added.
May 24, 2024 at 10:56 PM

Posted on: May 24, 2024 at 6:30 PM

Mine is July 16th and I'll be 70! (shhh, i just let everyone know my age!!!)

I loved you comments! Keep it up!

Jeannie Probst Hogan

Jeannie Probst Hogan posted a message. New comment added.
Apr 07, 2024 at 12:21 AM

Posted on: Apr 07, 2024 at 12:21 AM

Happy belated Birthday, Chica! Miss you!

626 277 3855 or

Apr 03, 2024 at 4:41 PM's Jeannie! Pat and I are still together! March 16th 2024 was 50 years for us! Call or txt me at 626 278-3855 or email "" or snail mail to:

Jeannie Hogan
1020 Oakleaf Avenue
Monrovia, CA 91016

I'm debating on going back into Real Estate or doing what I thought I might do "when I got older" and take back up Georgie OKief! I would love to hear from you and how you are doing!

You & Naomi are always on my mind and in my heart!

Jeannie Probst Hogan

Apr 02, 2024 at 4:09 PM

Hi Rita! It's Jeannie Probst Hogan and this is what Patrick and I have been up to!

Patrick Hogan NHS ’72 And Jeannie Probst Hogan NHS ‘73
Greetings from Pat & Jeannie!
We have always been unconventional, so why start now! We just thought we would share our 50th with all of our fellow Vikings from Normandy High School and to wish you a belated HAPPY EASTER!
We met at Normandy during a double date with two of our classmates and then a year passed until we both landed in Mr. Ragland’s chemistry class! I tripped Patrick! Let’s not mention the flask of sulfuric acid he was caring! That night he asked me out on a date. He initially said “this is Pat” and I responded “Pat who? Oh ya, that Pat!” By the end of the date, I had his class ring and we have been together ever since. I guess you could say we had CHEMISTRY!
Where did we go and what have we been up to after leaving Normandy? Well, we set our tentative wedding date for the spring of 1974. Patrick was one year at UMR Rolla (his folks had planned on putting him through college) and I would be graduating Normandy. Then, in the summer of 1973 Patrick got his draft notice for Viet Nahn (no deferment available) – so he interviewed the branches of the military and signed up instead for 6 years in the Air Force and planned to marry me. “Uncle Sam” came looking for him, in boot camp, saw he was doing really well, so they left him there. Actually, he qualified as a “Sharp Shooter/Marksman”, which put a target on his back! He had to get permission from the base commander to get married (fine print on being enlisted in the military – you become property of the U.S. Government). It was granted and we got married on March 16, 1974. We got to travel a bit – Northern California, Germany (for over 3 years) with side trips to London, Ireland and Paris. The German language class I studied at Normandy, with Frau Cutty, came in handy! From there, we got reassigned to South Dakota (got to see Mt Rushmore and froze our asses off), and back to Southern California – where he was discharged. We told the government to leave us in Los Angeles and we didn’t need to go back to St. Louis – we would do just fine! Patrick took advantage of his G.I. benefits and attended Cal Poly Pomona, graduating with Computer and Electronic 5 year degree while I worked as a restaurant manager and supported our family. His first gig out was at the Jet Propulsion Lab where he and another engineer type colorized satellite data for the first time. To this day, when you see the weather map on the news, that’s your fellow Viking’s “artwork”. After he graduated, it was my turn. I now have a California Real Estate Broker’s license.
We are coming up on 71 and 70 and doing fine! Two daughters, Four grandchildren and two great grandchildren later! The easiest way to reach us is via my e-mail which is ‘’ and just say “it’s _____from NHS”. I’ll even make sure Pat responds to you!
Nice chatting! Stay happy and well!!
Patrick & Jeannie Hogan
Luck of the Irish!
1020 Oakleaf Avenue Monrovia, CA 91016

Apr 02, 2024 at 4:08 PM

Hi Dave!

It's Jeannie Probst Hogan! How's it going?

Well, here's what Pat and I have been up to...

Patrick Hogan NHS ’72 And Jeannie Probst Hogan NHS ‘73
Greetings from Pat & Jeannie!
We have always been unconventional, so why start now! We just thought we would share our 50th with all of our fellow Vikings from Normandy High School and to wish you a belated HAPPY EASTER!
We met at Normandy during a double date with two of our classmates and then a year passed until we both landed in Mr. Ragland’s chemistry class! I tripped Patrick! Let’s not mention the flask of sulfuric acid he was caring! That night he asked me out on a date. He initially said “this is Pat” and I responded “Pat who? Oh ya, that Pat!” By the end of the date, I had his class ring and we have been together ever since. I guess you could say we had CHEMISTRY!
Where did we go and what have we been up to after leaving Normandy? Well, we set our tentative wedding date for the spring of 1974. Patrick was one year at UMR Rolla (his folks had planned on putting him through college) and I would be graduating Normandy. Then, in the summer of 1973 Patrick got his draft notice for Viet Nahn (no deferment available) – so he interviewed the branches of the military and signed up instead for 6 years in the Air Force and planned to marry me. “Uncle Sam” came looking for him, in boot camp, saw he was doing really well, so they left him there. Actually, he qualified as a “Sharp Shooter/Marksman”, which put a target on his back! He had to get permission from the base commander to get married (fine print on being enlisted in the military – you become property of the U.S. Government). It was granted and we got married on March 16, 1974. We got to travel a bit – Northern California, Germany (for over 3 years) with side trips to London, Ireland and Paris. The German language class I studied at Normandy, with Frau Cutty, came in handy! From there, we got reassigned to South Dakota (got to see Mt Rushmore and froze our asses off), and back to Southern California – where he was discharged. We told the government to leave us in Los Angeles and we didn’t need to go back to St. Louis – we would do just fine! Patrick took advantage of his G.I. benefits and attended Cal Poly Pomona, graduating with Computer and Electronic 5 year degree while I worked as a restaurant manager and supported our family. His first gig out was at the Jet Propulsion Lab where he and another engineer type colorized satellite data for the first time. To this day, when you see the weather map on the news, that’s your fellow Viking’s “artwork”. After he graduated, it was my turn. I now have a California Real Estate Broker’s license.
We are coming up on 71 and 70 and doing fine! Two daughters, Four grandchildren and two great grandchildren later! The easiest way to reach us is via my e-mail which is ‘’ and just say “it’s _____from NHS”. I’ll even make sure Pat responds to you!
Nice chatting! Stay happy and well!!
Patrick & Jeannie Hogan
Luck of the Irish!
1020 Oakleaf Avenue Monrovia, CA 91016

Apr 02, 2024 at 4:06 PM

Hi Pat!

It's Jeannie Probst Hogan! What have you been up to?

Here's my long winded letter!

Patrick Hogan NHS ’72 And Jeannie Probst Hogan NHS ‘73
Greetings from Pat & Jeannie!
We have always been unconventional, so why start now! We just thought we would share our 50th with all of our fellow Vikings from Normandy High School and to wish you a belated HAPPY EASTER!
We met at Normandy during a double date with two of our classmates and then a year passed until we both landed in Mr. Ragland’s chemistry class! I tripped Patrick! Let’s not mention the flask of sulfuric acid he was caring! That night he asked me out on a date. He initially said “this is Pat” and I responded “Pat who? Oh ya, that Pat!” By the end of the date, I had his class ring and we have been together ever since. I guess you could say we had CHEMISTRY!
Where did we go and what have we been up to after leaving Normandy? Well, we set our tentative wedding date for the spring of 1974. Patrick was one year at UMR Rolla (his folks had planned on putting him through college) and I would be graduating Normandy. Then, in the summer of 1973 Patrick got his draft notice for Viet Nahn (no deferment available) – so he interviewed the branches of the military and signed up instead for 6 years in the Air Force and planned to marry me. “Uncle Sam” came looking for him, in boot camp, saw he was doing really well, so they left him there. Actually, he qualified as a “Sharp Shooter/Marksman”, which put a target on his back! He had to get permission from the base commander to get married (fine print on being enlisted in the military – you become property of the U.S. Government). It was granted and we got married on March 16, 1974. We got to travel a bit – Northern California, Germany (for over 3 years) with side trips to London, Ireland and Paris. The German language class I studied at Normandy, with Frau Cutty, came in handy! From there, we got reassigned to South Dakota (got to see Mt Rushmore and froze our asses off), and back to Southern California – where he was discharged. We told the government to leave us in Los Angeles and we didn’t need to go back to St. Louis – we would do just fine! Patrick took advantage of his G.I. benefits and attended Cal Poly Pomona, graduating with Computer and Electronic 5 year degree while I worked as a restaurant manager and supported our family. His first gig out was at the Jet Propulsion Lab where he and another engineer type colorized satellite data for the first time. To this day, when you see the weather map on the news, that’s your fellow Viking’s “artwork”. After he graduated, it was my turn. I now have a California Real Estate Broker’s license.
We are coming up on 71 and 70 and doing fine! Two daughters, Four grandchildren and two great grandchildren later! The easiest way to reach us is via my e-mail which is ‘’ and just say “it’s _____from NHS”. I’ll even make sure Pat responds to you!
Nice chatting! Stay happy and well!!
Patrick & Jeannie Hogan
Luck of the Irish!
1020 Oakleaf Avenue Monrovia, CA 91016

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Posted: Jul 14, 2020 at 12:56 AM