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Joy A. Abrams (Faires)
Joyce Abrams
Richard E. Adams
Donald Allen
David W Anthes
Anna Antonio (Katinas)
Clarice Ashburn
Fred Atkins
Donald Baird
Phyllis D Ball (Abele)
Jane Ann Barkau
Arline Barkey (Binkholder)
Susan L Barlow (Mannen)
Gale Barner (Teeple)
Rosemary Barner (Harris)
Bruce C. Barnes
Isabella (Boots) Bartz (Waldsch…)
Robert Beattie
Sharon Berendes (Bray)
Daniel C Bingaman
Richard H Biring
James Bledsoe
Nancy Blount (Macias)
Barbara Boelhauf (Lacquement)
Carl Bohley
Mary Lou Bohn (Rohlfing)
Nancy Bollinger (Adams)
Carol Ann Booth (Biedenstein)
Steven Bowman
Shirley Bradford (Kersey)
Janice Bradley
Patrick Bradley
Dan Branson
Shirley Brauer
Sandra A Brauss (Neas)
Lewis Bridgeforth
Patricia Brooks (Meyer)
Audrey Brown
Ron Buk
Wesley Burbes
Ralph Burroughs
Darlene M Carron (Kirshner)
Richard Castillo
Patricia Champion
Edith Christensen
Harold E (Ned) Christensen
Jean Christopher
Jack N Cook
Gerald E. (Mickey) Cooper
Helen Crawford (Duecker)
Lawrence Crow
Jane Dachroeden (Ehrle)
Lester Davis
Susan Davis (Shephard)
Marcia Dawson
Christine DeMariano (Bridgett)
Jeannine DeWitt (Crowe)
Sandra Dobbin (Fehl)
Suzanne Dobbin (Premer)
Reverand Susan Dobbs (Key)
Shirley Doerr (Zelasco)
Janice C Donoho (Grant)
Donald E. Downes
Harold R. Duke
Particia Durham (Brown)
Dennis Eckert
Richard Eder
Larry Edwards
Jon O. Ellefson
Henry Ellerbrook
Robert S Ens
Barbara Erker
Sally Felter (Hunter)
Fred Fencil
Robert Finn
Judy Fleming
Joe Foote
Richard C. Frankenberger
James Free
Chester A. Fritz
Robert Gansman
Richard Garlik
Lee Garner
Carol Giessow
James R Girshner
Suzanne A. Goeckeler (Schmitt)
Delores G Goedel (Weltlich)
Beverly Goode
Joel A Goodman
James Gould
Richard Gould
Gary D. Gray, PhD
Edward Grimshaw
Lorraine Groseman (Lehr)
Edward A. Gulewitz, Sr,
William W. (Bill) Gusky
Joe Hacking
Doug Hale
Charles S Hall
Dawn Hamilton (Rasmussen)
Ralph Hampp
Deanna J Hansen
Shirley Hardekopf (Schomburg)
Hilera Hardy
Charles M. (Chuck) Harri…
Donna L. Harris (Kniep)
Maria Hasapopoulos (Efstat…)
Ronald R. Heckel
James Heidbreder
Shirley L. Held (Paulus)
Nancy Herman (Houke)
Nancy A Hibbs (Beasom)
Mary J Hodge (Brauninger)
Earl (Romer) Hodges
Wanda Hoefler (Rose)
Virginia Hoesli (Riedisser)
Glen Hoffman
Mara Hoffman (Hoffman)
Roger Holloway
David Holmes
Judith Hoots (Newman)
Ross M Horst
Mildred Howerton (Kates)
Robert Hoyt
George L Huber
George Hughes
Edward Humm
Neal Hunstein
Paul D Hutson
Leonard Hyman
Beverly Irvine (Tucker)
Vera Jackson (Henderson)
Carl Janzow
Janice Johnson (Scibetta)
Karen Johnson
Ronald Johnson
James A. (Jim) Johnston
Bruce Jones
Donald R Jones
Janice Jovanovic (Smith)
Walter G. (Walt) Junge
Clifford W. (Cliff) Kamm…
George Kantis
Barbara Kedro (Heidbreder)
Luella Keefe (Townsend)
Virginia Keel (Baker)
John Kelly
Carol Keseling (Summa)
Yvonne Kessler (Sholar)
Alvin Klaber
Pat Klemme
Patsy Knight (Roper)
Patsy Knollman (Thoene)
Wallace Kocherd
Dolores Kormeier (Hess)
Virginia Kulp (Marcheski)
Betty Kutz (Brown)
Frederic R Lammert
Joan Laspe (Biest)
M Audrey Lauff (Williams)
Bernice Leach (Moore)
Carol Leber (Osterloh)
Donna Lebermann (Nachman)
Elnora A Leimkuehler
Thomas Leonard
Art Lewis
Annette Libo
Jerold Littlefield
Carolyn R. Loeber (Miles)
Lonnie Jo Longhofer (Meyer)
Jacqueline Lore (Chandler)
Elizabeth Lorenz (Dzatko)
Donald Lott
Charles Lueck
Richard H. Lueck
Hobard G. (Bart) Lynch
Joann MacGregor
David Maisak
Carol Jean Martin (Creek)
Kenneth Martin
Ray Martin
Mary Ann Matthews (Heiman)
Joyce Mattingly (Dillman)
William McClure
Bill McCord
Marilyn J McGinty (Stewart)
Robert McGrath
Jack McIntyre
Bette McKain (Winter)
James F. McKenzie
Naomi F McQuay (Killian)
Evelyn Menedez
Marilyn Meyer (Harper)
Donn Miertl
Allan Miller
James L. Miller
Nancy M Miller (Bakker)
Paul Miller
Therese Moakley (Otey)
Carol Moeller (Hoke)
Jim Moffitt
Doris Moore (Artrip)
Mary (Lynn) Moore (Lynne)
Robert Morie
Delores Morrow (Mae)
Gail Murphy (Otto)
Robert Nash
E Eric Nelson
Bennie Novell
James O'Connell
Marian Olive (Dobyns)
Joyce Olson
Carol Orgeich (Kletz)
Ted Paris
James E Pearce (James P…)
Jane Pedrotti (Moore)
Sharon Perkins (Whitaker)
Judith C. (Judy) Pfaff (Neely)
Donald G Pfanstiel
Patricia Pike
Robert Plummer
Donald E. Polkinghorne
Mary Pontello (Zvorak)
Peggy Potter (Ehrle)
Roy Pound
William Pound
Gale Pourie (Purcell)
Joan Pratzki (Aquilera)
Dave Premer
Rich Presley
Phyllis J Puder (Hall)
Carole J. (Pug) Pugliese
James Quick
Bradley Ray
Harold E Ray
Marilyn R Reisenleiter (Daily)
James (Jc) (Jim) Rey…
Cherie Rode (McGrath)
Elizabeth Rolhaus (Nash)
Sheila Ross (Sims)
Beverly Rozier (Richey)
LaVerne Ruckman (Terry)
Carolyn Rutherford (Fuller)
Jacquelyn Rutter (O'Keefe)
Richard E Saettele
Ivan L Schlotterbeck
Douglas Schlueter
Dale Schmidt
Douglas Schueter
Carolann Schulze (Sternberg)
Carol Schweitzer (Diekroeger)
H. Eugene (Gene) Schwidde
James P Scott
Eugene R. Seiler
Charles Seltzer
William H. (Hal) Shaffer
Richard Sharp
Donald Shaw
Norma Sheffer
Elaine Shepard (Litzsinger)
Nina Shepard (Schladerbach)
Barbara M Sherrill (Steghaus)
Glenda Shockley (Vach)
Janet Siebothem
Carol Simon (Magruder)
Grant W Smith
Gregory L (Gregg) Smith
Merrill Smith (Thompson)
Patsy Smith
Peggy Smith (Spiedel)
Suzanne S Smith (Linde)
William M Smith
Rose Mary Spell (Bayne)
Kenneth W. (Ken) Spe…
Gail Spies (Weingart)
Ray Spradling
Carol Spreckelmeyer (Spellman)
Shirley Steele
Robert A Stephens
Robert C Stephens
Marilyn Sterling (Bradley)
Jackie Stonebraker (Burbank)
Roger H. Streng
Jack Stroud
Henry Struckel
Shirley A. Struckel (Watts)
Donald Thetford
Jack Thiele
Howard W Thoele
William J. Thomas
Suzanne H Thompson (Benning)
Carol Thurman (Comfort)
Kathleen Turner (Woods)
Eunice Ulrich (Broome)
Richard Umrath
Barbara L. Vocks (Butz)
Carol Vogt (Timmons)
Slyvia Vonckx (Eiseman)
David Vowell
Jerry Wafts
Charles Walters
Raymond T. (Pete) Watt
Jerry W. Watts
Sylvia A Weeke (Heidenreich)
Jerry West (West)
Phyllis West
Patricia Westmoreland
Ed Whitney
Agnes Wilferd
Alice Willenberg (Thiele)
Robert Willey
Jean V Williams (Foelsch)
Robert Williams
Jane L Williamson
Danna Wills
Irvin E Wilson
Silvia Wolski (Howell)
Mary Anne Woods (Noble)
Barbara J Worley (Scarborough)
Norma Worthey (Quick)
Bill Wright
Marie Zipfel (Bell)
William A. (Bill) Zoll
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