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Last Updated
Newest Members
Minta Albert
Geraldine Altemeyer
Bob Anderson
Gene Arras
Marvin Aubuchon
Shirley Audrain
Theola Balling
Evelyn Barbir
Alice G. Bardol (Schlueter)
Imogene Barner
Lorraine Barth
Claire Beach
Marna Beaman
Marian G. Bear (Imhof)
Lois J Beckham
Oscar Bergerdine
Leland Bergmeier
Russell Bilzing
Garnett (Larry) Blair
Geraldine Blankenship
Marjorie Blanton (Zbaren)
Laverne Blust
Robert J. Bodley, Sr.
Bob Boehlow
Sylvia Borgstede
Sarah Bowman
Fern Brandon
Florence Bredemeyer
June Bromwich
Marian Jeanette Brooks (Roney)
Francis Brown
June Buettner
Vivian Burns
Doris Burton
Mary Campione
Gloria Capstick
Audrey Carpenter
Bettye Jo Case
June Cassin
Lucille Castanie
Lorine (Fay) Cavanaugh (Kr…)
Tom Cavanaugh
Robert Clark
Don Clarkson
Dorothy Collett
Mary Jane Collins
Estelle Cook
Doris Coshow
Richard Cross
Roy Darby
John Davidson
Don Davis
Lawrence Davis
Maxine Davis
Donnie Dew
Dorothy Dexheimer
Joseph E DiCampo
Pat Dondas (Zuccaro)
Josephine Dooley
Lucille Dorey
Virginia Doyle
Gloria Drake
Betty Duffy
Peggy Dunne
Don Dwyer
Jane Edwards
Herman Egli
LaVera Farmer
Charlotte Fasnacht
Raoul Fellenstein
Rose Ann Field
Bob Fierce
Robert J Fink
Alice Fischer
Xxx Fox
Marie Freise
Mildred Frisby
George Fuchs
Nancy Lee Gardner
Wallace Garrett
Edward Garrison
Dorothy Gerling
Ann Gestrich
Teresa Gilardi
Edna Gilda
Arthur D. (Dean) Glick
Dorothy Goebel
Betty Goldbeck
Bill Gorman
Mary Gorman
Lloyd Grass
Lola Gray
Geraldine E Green (Slavik)
Otto Grisser
Anna Lou Gwyn
Norma Hagan
Virginia Hagemann
Ann Hallvax
C W Hamilton
Walter Harrison
Norman Haskell
Bruce Hawley
Nadine Haynes
Oliver Henkel
Doris Hermle
Betty Herrmann
Donald Heuser
George Higgins
Lamarr Hoffman
Arthur Holler
Raymond L. Horstdaniel
Melba Horstman (Ockrassa)
Grace Huber
Donald Huelster
John Huey
George Huggins
Helen Hume
Dorothy Hunning
Pat Hunt
Tom Hutton
Charles (Charlie) Johnson
Lewis E Johnson
Margaret Johnston
Wilbert Just
Elwyn Kahre
Frances Kaiser
Ralph Keeney
Beatrice C. Keisker
Jacqueline Keller
Jane Kelly
Dolores Kelsick
Bob Kemmler
Dorothy Kinchler
Crawford A. King Jr.
Virginia Kirkpatrick
George Klaber
La Nel Klausman
Eileen K Knight (Clarkson)
Bill Koester
Emma Kohlman
Virginia Krautheim
Harry Kronsbein
Al Kuennen
Leo Ladendecker
Ruth Lamwersiek
Marilyn Lasky (Pane)
Eloise Laur
Ethel Lawrence
Robert Lawson
Delores League
Margaret Levene
Gloria Lewton
Jane Linders
Hubert Lowe
Dolores Lucchesi
Carol Ludwig
Betty L Lueking
Gloria Lundberg
Marjorie Lynch
John Lynes
Jeanne MacCready
Julia Mainord
Betty Major
George Manies
Nancy Lee Markmann
Minerva Marre
Ellis Marsh
Neal Martin
Cora Massard
Jack Mathewson
Nadyne Mathis
John McClinton
Dewaine McClumber
Clifton McCorkel
Dorothy McGloshen
Eleanor McKinnis
Laura Mae McMichael
Jack McNichols
Victoria Megaris
Doris Mellies
Dick Mellis
Bill Melter
Hazel Melton
Marion Melton
Viola Miller
Virginia Miller
Kerry Misthaven
Viola Montague
Barbara Morton
Udell Moss
Frank Muegge
Dorothy Mueller
Jeanette Mueller
Fred Mulcahy
Ruth Mulicky
Joanna Nelm
James Nichols
Theodore Nielsen
Peggy Nobiling
Bob Nolte
Josephine O'Dell
Aloysius Oligschlaeger
Lorraine Olsen
F Burton Openlander
Susan Ortgier
Dorothy Paetzold
Sammy Pardue
Lucille Parmenter
Joseph Pauley
June Penn
Elvin L. Peper
Peggy Pettig
Virginia Phillips
Betty Ponte
Sylvia Portmann
Wilma Powers-Tebbe (Higgin…)
Howard Rains
Charles Raley
Peggy Rathert
Bob Reed
Meuriel F. Reed
Lorraine Rickelman
Norbert Rickher
Anna V. Rickmann (Johnston)
Virginia Rogers
Robert Rose
Norman F Rosenfelder
Betsy Ross
Reva Ruehl
Jack Rutherford
Robert Ryan
Byrdann Sachs
Bob Samel
Anna Scheezik
Norman Schmidt
Juanita D Schmuck
Oliver Schroeder
Harry G. Schuermann,…
Fern Schultz
Robert Schwartz
Mildred Segelhorst
Carol Seyfarth
Marilyn Shouse
Mildred Sinovich
Anna Mae Sinz (Webb)
Charles Smith
Gerald Smith
Paul Spahn
Wanda Lee Spangenberg
Josephine Sparacio
Eleanor Spicuzzi
Virginia Stack
Bill Stanley
Ronald Steimer
Leonard Stephens
Richard Sterling
Ruth Stevens
Blanche Stoddard
Virginia Stuehmeyer
Meredith Stuerman
Evert Sylvester
Charles Tauser
Betty L Taylor
Goldie Thurman
William Toomey
Jacqueline Uphouse
Lucille Van Horn
Joseph Venezia
Marie Venverloh
Lawrence C (Larry) Volo
Charles J. Wagner
Mary Lou Wahlert
Joe Walters
Harry Walther
Jacqueline Weakley
Donald W. (Don) Webb
William Weible
Dorothy M Weidle (White)
Betty Westaver
Myron (Mike) Wightman
Claude Wilkinson
Kenneth A. Will
Paul Williams
Eugene Wills
Earl Wilson
William Wirt
Joseph Woleslau
Lloyd Wolf
Richard L Wooten
Roland Wormington
Wallace Wright
Ruth W Wuest
Dr. Charles H. Wunde…
Dudley Yeomans
Robert G. Zbaren
Charles E Zeman
Madeline Zimmerman
Eunice E Zumbehl (Fuchs)
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