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Margaret Anderson
Gertrude Atkinson
Philip Backland
Robert Balling
William Banks
Dorothy Barr
Marguerite Barron
V. Willzene Bassman (Helmich)
Richard Bayne
Gladys Beahan
Mary Jane Beggs
Dorothy Biermann (Kelly)
Gladys Borgstede
Edith Bown
W Earle Buck
Walton Buhrmester
Hazel Bunting
George Cech
Wilbur Chapman
Harold Connelly
Gertrude Conrey
Bettylee Cornish (Snopke)
Flint Curtner
Georgia Drybread
Donald Duetman
Forrest Evans
Clara Ferguson
Gerard Fogarty
Mary Ford
Charles Fox
Doris Frank
Virginia Gall (Thomas)
John Glaser
Elwood Gooldy
Bunnie Gregory
Donald Grindell
Julia Hajek
Arline Hampton
Gertrude Hawkins
Lois Hawkins
Homer Helmich
Belva L. (Belle) Helmkamp
Vanita Henson
Betty Herbert
Charles Hertlein
LaVerne Hoffer
Rosemary Honerkamp
George Hopkins
Anna Jacobsen
Joseph H. Jordan
Helen Kelly
Kathleen Kennedy
Margaret Kennedy
Lucille Kincheloe
Marie Klett
Frederick Koch
Alma Langenberg
Ruby Lauer
Edith Lawrence
Teresa Liese
Nellie G. Lind (Reiter)
Shirley Lovejoy
Jayne Lovell
Althea M. Marty (Weaver)
Ruth McCaul
Katherine McClure
Harmon McGibbons
Jack McQuaig
Robert Meyer
Marie Meyers
William J. Michael
Elizabeth Miller
Dorriss Montrey
Marjorie Moore
George Mueller
Hildreth Newell
Madie Nickels
Arthur Ockel
Lewis Painter
Lester Pogue
Ostus Pogue
Glen Pollard
Ann Reid
Margot (Analee) Roberts (W…)
Wayne Robinson
Kenneth Roffman
Faye Ruehl
Clifford W. Russler
Gladys Ryan
Tony Scanga
Edward Scannell
Wilbur Schad
Evelyn Schultz
Fred Sears
Marjorie Smith
Erline Sommers
Robert E Stege
Christine Straatman
Melvin Strickland
Ella Stueve
Elsa Sucher
Lorraine Sueme
Donald Sutton
Norman Thomas
Peter Thomas
Richard Thompson
Dorothy O. Timmerman (Schultz)
Lois Timmerman
Harold Tracy
Faye Trimble
Vern Trueblood
Mary L Tymm
Kathleen Walsh
Roy Walters
Evelyn Wasserfall
Clarence Wassilak
Bill Waymeyer
Elaine Weiser
Dorothy Westaver (French)
William T. Wheeler, Jr.
Sybil Whitwell
Clyde Willman
Celeste Winter (Kleinigger)
Dorothy Winzer (Findeiss)
Virginia Wolk
George Yager
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