Classmate Profiles (1927)

     User has created a profile: 2
     In Memory: 15
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 15
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G. Walter Aschen    
Harold Burton
Charles Campbell
Mary E. Casale (Brown)    
Charlotte Cohen
Dorothy Coleman
Raleigh B Cornwall Jr    
Marion Diechman
Kenneth Dietz
Cleta E. Edwards (Brookman)    
Doris Fleming   
James Gorton
Velma Grenier
Helen Heidenreich
Marie Heinrich
Horace Humphries   
Dorothy Jordan (Vernon)
Paul Kennedy
John King
Selma Koster
Floyd Kramer    
Mildred R. LeHew    
Helen H. Loeber (Swyers)    
Arline M. Morath (Kollmorgen)    
Margaret Murray
John O'Gorman
James W Orr    
George Ozment    
Bernice E. Rekate (Hoefelmann)    
Gertrude Reusche
Gertrude R. Rothenberg (Jo…)    
Arthur Schaefer
Eugene Schulte
Frank Schulte
Paul Schwepker
Adeline L. Schweppe (Hendel)    
Lucile Shoemaker
Arthur Skelly
Ralph Surkamp
Adele Thiebes (Ruppelt)    
Paul Thompson
Aletha C. Wilks (Whitlatch)    
Eugenia Ziebol

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